Gay Year

 Have a very Gay Year with Italy Gay Travels!

Book your 2022 Gay Active holidays with us!

We all have had a very troubled couple of years… and most of us have gained a few extra kilos during the lockdown!

So, did you make one of your new year’s resolutions to get back in shape after the festive season?

Then, why not invest in an active holiday with us, in Italy or Greece? With a whopping discount only until January, 23, this is a resolution you know you will keep!

You can choose among SailingYoga, or Cycling: our tours fit most skill level! Therefore, don’t Delay: Book Today!

Find your active holiday with us and book by 23 January with the code GAY YEAR for sensational discounts! Have a Very Gay Year with us 🙂

All prices are based on Double Room Occupancy*

Please use the code GAY YEAR in the Booking Form to secure this very special price: Book your 2022 Gay Active Vacations in Southern Italy or Greece with us!

Email us on if you have any questions. Or alternatively Text or Whatsapp us on +39 340 301 0059. Hurry up! We only have limited spots in our small group tours!

See you soon in Sunny Europe!

* Solo Traveler? We have Single Supplements available on all our tours. Thus, paying a single supplement is not required. We will try to match you with a roommate if you are traveling alone and prefer to share a room. If this is not possible, we will apply a single supplement to your reservation before the final payment date. Please note that the discount does not apply to the single supplement value, only to the double room occupancy price.